Thursday, January 26, 2023


 I took part in the 52nd Ludum Dare game jam as I have in the past. This time, the theme was "Harvest," and I created a fruit harvesting rat shooting game called Froot. I used MidJourney for some of the art (having no artistic skill of my own) and was pretty pleased with how it looked.

You can play the game in your browser here.

Return of Doctor Esker's Notebook

 Hi, all -

Just wanted to share that the third game in the Doctor Esker's Notebook series, Return of Doctor Esker's Notebook, is now complete and at the printer. I ran a Kickstarter for it (here) that I probably should have mentioned on this blog, although I haven't posted here much recently.

If the last two print runs are any guide, the game should be printed, through customs, and ready for players within a couple months. The Kickstarter did well enough that we reached one of the stretch goals, which was an all-new fourth Esker game, coming late 2023.