Monday, August 2, 2010

Even more on the CE mark

James from implies, in response to my question over at, that the CE mark isn't a big deal.  I think I still need to do some research to make sure I meet the standards for card games, but I don't need to prove that independently to somebody in Europe, at least not until I get called on it by somebody over there.  So, my current understanding is, if I can figure out the standards for games, and figure out if I meet them, and do any requisite testing myself, then I can assert that I meet the standards and put the CE mark on without filing anything with a government agency.

Sound right?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the advice. I don't think kids could necessarily choke on a deck of cards, but it would be better to have the warning on there regardless, since I don't think they could reasonably play the game, and avoiding unnecessary testing is good.
